Masks, social distancing and other security measures are now part of the solemn rituals and pageantry of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as well as the almost daily funeral that always takes place in the cemetery.
The new reality: Only ten family members or friends are allowed to gather at the grave. As few troops as possible take care of the funeral honours. The distance is maintained and masks are worn.
At the recent funeral of a decorated World War II veteran, Sergeant Major Robert Belch, a member of the Army's Third Infantry Regiment, the unit known as the "Old Guard" that holds the funeral in Arlington, remained masked all the time.
The flag that covered Belch's coffin was not given to relatives, but was placed delicately on a table next to the grave to avoid physical contact, as is the case for all other burials in the current environment.
Even the platoon of ceremonial riflemen present to salute at the end of the service wore a mask, while the entire funeral team remained physically separated from each other.
Captain Doug Rohde, who returned from a deployment to Iraq last October, is now the commander of the Bravo Company of the Old Guard. Her unit continues to train and work to ensure that she brings the same dignity and respect to every funeral, despite the changes.
"It means a lot to me that we can still be there for the families even though, you know, we have a lot to do as a country right now and we are able to stay consistent and maintain, you know, the level of professionalism and be there for these families as they bury their loved ones," he said.
Mr. Rohde's unit may even arrange the funeral on its own because the deceased's family was unable to travel to Arlington for security reasons.
"We are whole-hearted with them for not being able to be there with their loved one while they were resting, but I hope they will console themselves knowing that the old guard was there, you know, to do the funeral in the same way, with the same level of professionalism, with dignity and honor for their loved one," Mr. Rohde said.
Covid-19 still managed to slow down some of Arlington's most iconic scenes.
The elite army caissons platoon, which operates horse-drawn carriages carrying the coffins of those killed on the battlefield, as well as elderly veterans and U.S. presidents, has had its role in the funeral interrupted since mid-March.
Prior to the coronavirus, the unit was on duty at 4:30 a.m. each morning where it was scheduled to attend a funeral to wash the seven horses that were part of today's ceremony. The unit participates in about 40 funerals in an average week.
The hours are shorter these days, but the unit still performs "simulation missions" and regularly makes more than 300 pieces of brass shine to be ready once the restrictions are lifted.
"We want to be on the field, we want to do our part, we want to do our part, and I'm sure the horses do it too," said specialist Joseph Gorgas, while looking after the horses in their stables at meyer-Henderson Hall Joint Base in Virginia.
But nearby, at the top of the hill of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, the soldiers known for performing their razor-sharp walk in front of the grave wear masks as they dress and prepare for their service, constantly disinfecting their quarters near the grave.
Visitors are not currently allowed to enter the grave, but there is no relaxation to a tradition of soldiers standing guard 24 hours a day, seven days a week, since July 1937, regardless of weather, war or pandemic.
And for soldiers on missions, the symbolism of monitoring the remains of troops whose identity is unknown is a tradition that must continue.
"They had goals and ambitions and they weren't able to achieve them,"
Sergeant First Class Chelsea Porterfield, who is the Guard Sergeant, said of the men who lie in the grave.
"Maintaining and making sure that we can provide the living symbol, if you will, for America and everyone to see what we do is the best way to pay tribute to all the unknowns."
For Sergeant Jacob Hammond, who is also part of the unit, the frequent temperature checks and other measures that are now part of daily life in Arlington are just a formality to which they must comply.
"The mission will continue no matter what, and it is the soldiers who continue the mission, so the best way to ensure that they are taken care of is to ensure that the mission continues," he said.
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